How to migrate website from

In order to migrate your website hosted with you will need to export the .xml file which contains your pages, posts, comments and file attachments. NOTE 1: Your website theme will not be imported. You will need to install one anew. You can do that in your Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add […]

How to move from Blogger to WordPress hosted with us

In order to transfer your Blogger website to WordPress hosted with us, follow these steps: 1. Exporting Blogger Blog Log into your Blogger dashboard > go to Settings > Other menu Click on Export Blog in the Blog Tools menu: This will bring a pop-up window. Click on Download Blog: Your Blogger blog’s content will […]

How to transfer from Bluehost

If you have decided to transfer your hosting account from Bluehost to Naija Domains, we will gladly do this for you completely free of charge.The process is absolutely hassle-free. You will just need to submit a transfer request to us, and we will email you once it is done. Before submitting, make sure the following […]

How to transfer from HostGator

If you have decided to transfer your hosting account from HostGator to Naija Domains, we will gladly do this for you completely free of charge. The process is absolutely hassle-free. You will just need to submit a transfer request, and we will email you once it is done. Before submitting, make sure the following conditions […]

How to move from Blogger to WordPress hosted with us

In order to transfer your Blogger website to WordPress hosted with us, follow these steps: 1. Exporting Blogger Blog Log into your Blogger dashboard > go to Settings > Other menu Click on Export Blog in the Blog Tools menu: This will bring a pop-up window. Click on Download Blog: Your Blogger blog’s content will […]

How to migrate website from to Naija Domains

In order to migrate your website hosted with you will need to export the .xml file which contains your pages, posts, comments and file attachments. NOTE 1: Your website theme will not be imported. You will need to install one anew. You can do that in your Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add […]

How to transfer WordPress Multisite (WPMU)

Transferring WPMU to another directory Transferring WPMU to another domain If you have installed WordPress Multisite to the subfolder (, it is possible to move it to another folder or to the root directory of the domain in a few steps. In our example we will be moving the website from to First […]

How to transfer a WordPress website to Naija Domains

If you wish to transfer your website to Naijadomains, you will need an active web hosting plan with us as it will allow you to avoid downtime during the transfer. In order to transfer your WordPress site from another provider to us, you will need to perform two main steps: Transfer your files/databases to your […]

cPanel VPS or Dedicated Server transfer to Naijadomains

We will transfer your server from another provider for free if: 1. Your VPS or Dedicated server with another provider has cPanel, and it will not expire for the next 3 days. 2. You have root access to the existing server. 3. You order a VPS or Dedicated Server with cPanel with us. If the […]

cPanel reseller hosting account transfer to Naija domains

If you would like to migrate your reseller account to Naija domains, and your existing hosting account has cPanel and is active, our technicians may migrate the account for you. However, in order for us to assist you with the transfer your account should meet the following requirements: 1. Your account with the old provider […]