How to reset WordPress admin password

How to reset WordPress admin password

There are two ways to reset lost WordPress dashboard password:

  • Using Lost Password option
  • In the database

Using Lost Password option

1. Open your WordPress administrative login page – it is usually located at

2. Click on Lost your password? option, fill out username or email address > Get New Password:


3. Log in to your e-mail account, which is set as your administrative WordPress contact. You can find the e-mail message with the password reset URL there, click on it:


4. Enter your new strong password twice on the opened page > Reset password:


Reset password via database

If Lost your password? confirmation e-mails do not arrive or if you have no access to the e-mail account connected to your administrative dashboard, you can reset your password via MySQL database:

1. Log in your cPanel > section Files > File manager and navigate to the document root of your WordPress website.

2. To check what database is being used for your WordPress website, open wp-config.php file located in:


3. Go to cPanel > Databases section > phpMyAdmin.

4. Select the database in question, table wp-users and click on Edit next to admin user:



You can now go back to WordPress dashboard page and try to login with the new password.
That’s it!